Laura Cappachione - Dental Hygiene Curriculum and Core Competency Development: A Case Study of One Ontario College Program (Mock Oral)

Candidate: Laura Cappachione

Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Katharine Janzen

The purpose of this study was to explore and describe one aspect of the dental hygiene curriculum at DH College (pseudonym), an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology program, that is, to identify the perceived impact of the national core competencies required of dental hygiene graduates for entry into practice.  Faculties of dental hygiene programs are currently using these entry-to-practice National Dental Hygiene Competencies to develop and design curricula. This case study explored how educators in the DH College program interpreted, integrated, and assessed student achievement of core national competencies, and how graduating students self-assessed their abilities related to the core national competencies. The Capabilities Approach theoretical framework grounded this study.