
Are You Doing Research Abroad or Going to a Conference Abroad?

Did you know that if you are going abroad through the University of Toronto that you have to ? This is to ensure that we can offer you full support if you face any emergencies abroad. Situations like the tsunami in Japan, Hurricane Sandy, and the incidents in Boston remind us that there are risks students face no matter where they go. How do you know if you are going abroad on a University of Toronto activity? A University of Toronto sponsored activity is defined by 3 things:

  • Getting credit or doing research affiliated with your degree
  • Getting funding
  • Sanctioned by the University

It is mandatory for all students who are participating in a University of Toronto international activity contact their program or graduate administrator to do the following:

  • Register with Learning & Safety Abroad
  • Sign appropriate Waivers
  • Get travel health insurance while they are abroad
  • Attend a Pre-departure Orientation Workshop

Pre-Departure meetings are sponsored by the Learning & Safety Abroad Office. Generally, these meetings are 3-4 hours long, however, on occasion OISE arranges for the Learning & Safety Abroad Officer to conduct meetings specifically for OISE students going on an international internship which takes place at OISE and is 2 hours in length.

If you have any questions please contact safety.abroad@utoronto.ca or contact your administrator to register for upcoming travel plans.

Please note:  Prior to making travel plans a preliminary determination should be made of the overall risk level and suitability of the University-sponsored out-of-country activity. The assessment should consider the special needs of the student including persons with disabilities and medical issues. When considering the appropriateness of a destination, the students should balance risk with academic necessity. All students should consult the to ensure that the intended travel is in correspondence to the Safety Abroad Guidelines. If students intend to travel to higher risk destinations, anything assessed as “Avoid non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” by DFAITD, please contact the Safety Abroad Office when conceiving travel plans. You can reach the office at safety.abroad@utoronto.ca

Contact Information

Safety Abroad Advisor

Centre for International Experience
University of Toronto, 
Cumberland House, 33 St. George  Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2E3
Phone: 416-978-2564 |
Email: learning.abroad@utoronto.ca

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