
In Memoriam

Remember and celebrate the lives of our alumni, faculty, staff and friends.


Honey Sherman, Alumna

Honey Sherman was a graduate of New College (B.A. 1969) and OISE (B.Ed. 1970), and was recognized with an Arbor Award in 2003.

Bruce McFarlane, Alumnus

Bruce was an incredibly positive and outgoing force. He had an unquenchable enthusiasm and great zest for life.

Beverley Evelyn Golden, Alumna

Beverley's life path took her to the RCAF serving on the DEW Line radar station to her studies at Brescia College, London, the University of Toronto and Harvard University.

Paul Begley, Faculty Member

Paul was an OISE faculty member in the former Departments of Educational Administration and Theory and Policy Studies.

Fr. Mario D'Souza, Associate Professor

Loved by his colleagues, his friends, and, most importantly, his students, Fr. Mario will be deeply missed.

Ann M. Jaffrey, Jackman ICS Teacher

She will be mourned by the dear friends she made in all eras of her life including during her time at the University of Toronto.

Hugh Oliver, Staff Member, 1969-95

Hugh Oliver was a very special part of the OISE legacy and his passing fills us with great sorrow. 

Hildy Cronin, Jackman ICS Teacher

A long time classroom teacher at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) and teacher educator.

Ursula Tammy Kokotkiewicz, Alumna, BEd '14

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of a former OISE student, Tammy Kokotkiewicz.

John Richard Harris, Alumnus

John was born and raised in Toronto. He joined the RCAF in 1941, serving as a navigator on a Halifax Bomber.

Richard Potwarka, Alumnus, MEd

After graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University with a degree in philosophy, Richard might have been scrambling to come up with a practical career goal, but teaching, well that wasn't an option.

Dr. Carol Ann Golench, Past President, OISE Alumni Association

She was a graduate of the University of Toronto, attaining three degrees and a Doctorate (PhD) in Theory and Policy Studies, and a past President of the OISE Alumni Association.