Breadcrumb Home Alumni & Friends In Memoriam Remember and celebrate the lives of our alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Search Name or Keywords David Hunt, Professor EmeritusMarch 21, 2019 Professor Hunt had a stellar and lengthy career at OISE marked by exceptional teaching and scholarship. Dawn Christine Tanner, AlumnaMarch 10, 2019 Dawn is remembered as an extraordinary and selfless person who had a “beautiful laugh”. Bob Knuckle, AlumnusMarch 03, 2019 OISE alumnus Bob Knuckle was an unique individual who was a contributor in both the sports and literary worlds. Jack Quarter, ProfessorFebruary 06, 2019 With very heavy hearts, the OISE community shares the news of the passing of Professor Jack Quarter of the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education. David Booth, Professor EmeritusDecember 22, 2018 He was Professor Emeritus in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning. Cindy Halewood, Alumna, BEd '00 & Jackman ICS TeacherNovember 08, 2018 Cindy was a former Lab School Teacher at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study since 2000. Edmund Theodore Frymire, AlumnusSeptember 15, 2018 Ed served with the Royal Canadian Air Force for 21 years as a Captain and Chief Radio Officer. Later, Ed got his teacher’s degree at OISE, U of T. Ljiljana Sandic-Aylon, Alumna, BEd '86August 21, 2018 Lil was a teacher at Newmarket High School for many years, working most recently in special education. Peggy Black, AlumnaAugust 12, 2018 Peggy was gracious and kind, strong and loving and family meant everything to her. We have learned well from her example. Dr. Garnet Leo McDiarmid, Alumnus, Former Departmental ChairJune 14, 2018 Garnet had a brilliant mind and a tireless commitment to education. He retired from OISE in 1989 as the Chair of the Curriculum Department. Walter George Pitman, Former OISE DirectorJune 13, 2018 Walter had a remarkable passion for the arts, social justice, the environment and education. Donald MacWilliam, AlumnusFebruary 07, 2018 Donald was educated at the University of Toronto with Masters of Education and Masters of Psychology degrees. Pagination Previous page‹ Previous Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 5 Page6 Page7 Next pageNext ›