Visiting Scholar
Comparative, International, & Development Education (CIDE) Post©\Doctoral Fellows and Visiting Scholars.
Kara Janigan (PhD | 2018-Present)
2020 publications include and
Stephen A. Bahry (PhD | 2018-Present)
Work is on ecology of languages and literacies and education in Central Asia, Western China and Toronto
Gabrielle Oliveria (PhD | 2019)
Research focuses on immigration and mobility- on how people move, adapt, and parent across borders
Sarvenaz Parish (PhD | 2018)
Focus on role of visualization in scientific education and literature illustration
Ezinwanne Roseline Raymond (MA | 2018)
Research interest in human rights and feminism as regarding fairness, equality, and social work
Dr. Santiago Gallardo Rincon (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌà | 2017-2019)
Dr. Wu Xiangrong, (PhD, Beijing Normal | 2017)
Educational inspection and evaluation
Professor Ashu Wang
Director of the Graduate Division, and Editor of the Journal Ë«Óï½ÌÓýÑо¿ [Bilingual Education Research]
Professor Jianmei Zhao (2017)
Dean of the College of Education
Professor Yunfeng Tang (PhD Candidate | 2017)
Teaches in the College of Language
Dr. Mary Catharine Lennon (2017-2018)
Global trends in higher education management
Dr. Malini Sivasubramaniam (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌà | 2015-2018)
Civil society, Governance of Education Systems
Dr. Kara Janigan (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌà | 2014-2017)
Girls¡¯ education in sub©\Saharan Africa, Central and South East Asia
Dr. Anita Gopal (PhD, Queen¡¯s University | 2014-2015)
Education, Policy and Cultural Studies
Dr. Mohammad Reza Aranchian (PhD | 2014-2015)
Education Management
Dr. Paul Tractenberg (Rutgers University | 2013)
Education and the Law
Dr. Kazi Rouf (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌà | 2013-2014)
Research on economic relationships and bio©\regional economies
Dr. Elaine Lam (Research Fellow, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom)
Education policy in developing countries
Dr. Kerry Proulx (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌà | 2012-2013)
Educational access, transitions and equity
Dr. Francine Menashy (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌÃ)
Education as a human right, public©\private partnerships, global public goods, and the policies of global governance organizations
Dr. Anna Rzhevska (Luhansk University, Ukraine | 2012-2013)
Building collaboration between CIDE and Luhansk Pedagogical University
Dr. Zahra Pujna (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌà | 2011-2012)
Knowledge Building in Medical Education
Dr. Cynthia Joseph (Monash University, Australia | 2011-2012)
Gender, ethnicity and identity issues in education
Dr. Sarah Dryden©\Peterson (PhD, Â¥·ïÌìÌÃ, Harvard University)
Research on the role of schools, churches, and nonprofits in the integration of immigrants and refugees, the development of communities, and the transformation of society
Vera Centeno (PhD Candidate, Humboldt University, Germany)
Research on the reception of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)¡¯s Recurrent Education policy in three countries: Brazil, Canada and Germany