Seminar Webcasts
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CIDE/CSEP Seminar: The role of publicly subsidized private schools: What can we learn from the Colombian case?
Claudia Diaz Rios

Scientific Results and Lessons Learned From an International Comparative Higher Education Publication – Inclusion Through Access to Higher Education. Exploring the Dynamics Between Access to Higher Education, Immigration and Languages
Marie Agnes Detourbe, Senior Lecturer, INSA Toulouse and the Graduate School of Education (ESPE) of Toulouse, France

Why Do Institutions Matter for Equality? Individual-level Mechanisms of Educational Inequality in Comparative Perspective
Andrea Forster, PhD Student U of Amsterdam, Visiting Scholar CIDE

Will Global Learning Metrics Solve The ‘Global Learning Crisis’? Historical Debates, Current Proposals, Possible Consequences
Aaron Benavot

Social Justice through Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Insights from World Case Studies
Annette Ford, Leping Mou, Saewan Koh, Aiman Jafar, Leesa Wheelahan, and Gavin Moodie

CIHE/CIDE Joint Seminar
Multiple Speakers

Comparative Approaches to Space, Place, and Ecology of Language and Literacies: Educational Quality in Complex Multilingual Contexts
Stephen Bahry, PhD, OISE, CIDE Visiting Scholar

Joseph P Farrell Student Research Symposium
Multiple Speakers

Distinction, Meritocracy, and Evaluation: Three Periods In The History Of The Secondary Curriculum (1870-2015)
Philippe Losego