
Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee

Please find below the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC) committee for the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development. To learn more about the . 

Departmental Associate Chair

Dr. Abby Goldstein

Counselling Psychology (CP) Program Chair

Dr. Lana Stermac

Clinical and Counselling Psychology (CPP) Program Chair

Dr. Jeanne Watson

Child Study and Education (CSE) Program Chair

Dr. Yiola Cleovoulou

Developmental Psychology and Education (DPE) Program Chair

Dr. Kang Lee

School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) Program Chair

Dr. Todd Cunningham

Academic Appeals

At the University of Toronto, graduate students may appeal substantive or procedural academic matters, including grades, evaluation of comprehensive examinations and other program requirements. Detailed information on graduate level appeals can be found in the School of Graduate Studies’ (SGS) Academic Appeals Policy, available in the . 

As per SGS regulations, the appeals process at the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development begins with informal resolution.

Step 1: Attempt to resolve the issue with the decision maker (ie. Course instructor)

In the case of dispute, students must first attempt to resolve the matter with the instructor or other person whose ruling is in question (the “decision maker”).

  • This discussion should take place within 10 days after the date of the matter at issue.
  • When communicating with the decision maker, students should be clear about the rationale for disputing the decision/grade and any proposed remedy for resolving the matter.
  • Should the matter not be resolved with the decision maker, and should the student wish to pursue the matter, the student can proceed to Step 2.

STEP 2: Attempt to resolve the issue with the Program Chair 

If the matter is not resolved with the decision maker (ie. the course instructor), students may escalate the issue by contacting their relevant program chair. This should take place within ten days after the last interaction with the decision maker (ie. course instructor).

Guidelines for writing your (student's) request to the program chair:

  • remember to specify the rationale for disputing the decision or grade
  • the outcome of the attempted informational resolution with the decision maker (ie. course instructor)
  • and your (the student’s) suggested remedy resolution for the matter

STEP 3: Formal Appeal with the Department

If the above two resolutions are not enough to solve the issue at hand, the student may proceed with a formal written appeal to the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC) at the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development. Committee members are listed above.

To initiate a formal appeal with the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC):

  • the student must file a formal Notice of Appeal with the APHD Graduate Liaison Officer, within the specified timeline of eight weeks from the date the student became aware of the incident under appeal. 
  • once a formal appeal has been filed with the Department, the GDAAC will proceed as per the 
  • the chair of the GDAAC (Dr. Abby Goldstein) will determine whether to proceed to an oral hearing and/or written submissions.
  • In either case, at the conclusion of the hearing and/or review of the written submissions, the GDAAC will make a recommendation to the Chair (Dr. Earl Woodruff) of the Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development regarding the merits of the appeal. The Chair will then render the department-level appeal decision.

STEP 4: Formal Appeal with SGS

If the above three resolutions are not enough to solve the issue at hand, the student may proceed with a formal written appeal to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Graduate Academic Appeals Board (GAAB) within 8 weeks of the decision of the Chair, in accordance with its guidelines and procedures.

A decision of the SGS Graduate Academic Appeals Board (GAAB) may subsequently be appealed by a student to the Governing Council's Academic Appeals Committee, in accordance with its guidelines and procedures. An appeal to this committee shall be commenced by filing a notice of appeal with its Secretary no later than 90 days after the date of the GAAB decision under appeal.
