
Eco-Art: Casting a Wide Net - Exploring EcoJustice Education

Art Installation, 2019

This installation documents learning about issues of environmental justice affecting native fish species who call the Great Lakes home. EcoJustice Education examines the close relationship between environmental issues and social injustice to ensure that all living beings, present and future, have access to a healthy environment in which to live.  Fish depicted in this installation, such as Atlantic Salmon, Brook Trout, Rock Bass, Northern Redbelly Dace, and Pumpkinseed Sunfish (all native to the Great Lakes) suffer from the effects of urbanization, water and plastic pollution, over-fishing, and invasive species. The process of creating these images helped the artists learn more about the needs of these fish, and all species who depend on this fragile ecosystem – including us as humans.

This installation is part of the 'Take the Stairs' Campaign, which is a walking art gallery that encourages the OISE community to take the stairs rather than elevators (saving energy and improving health and wellbeing). 

Artists: Graduate Students from OISE's Teacher Education Programs and teachers from the TDSB EcoSchools Program.

Special recognition: OISE students Clara Hoover, Chris Orr, Meghan Buckle, and faculty member Hilary Inwood for facilitating this project.

Fish installation with blue background
detail of fish collage on a sea-like mural
Fish installation with blue background