Excerpt: "CHANCES in partnership with the Margaret and Wallace McCain Foundation embarked on a research effort to profile the impact of expanding access to a range of high quality integrated services for children and their families, with a particular focus on those who were identified as being vulnerable. The initial focus was the expansion and integration of early education and family support services, while further efforts focused on enhancing access, quality and accountability."
Excerpt: "$4.4 million increase in Child Care due to higher than anticipated child care and pre-accredited programs being accredited with the corresponding higher funding rates for staff."
Excerpt: "Ontario is investing up to $1.6 billion in new capital funding to support the creation of 45,000 new licensed child care spaces in schools, other public spaces and communities over the next five years."
Excerpt: "Federal Budgets 2016 and 2017 proposed to invest $7.5 billion over 11 years, starting in 2017-2018, to support and create more high-quality, affordable child care across the country, particularly for families more in need. Of this investment: $95 million will go towards closing data gaps, to better understand what child care looks like in Canada and track progress; $100 million will go towards early learning and child care innovation; A portion of this investment will be dedicated to improving access to culturally appropriate early learning and child care programs for all Indigenous children."
Excerpt: "Pour favoriser le développement et la réussite éducative des toutpetits du Québec, une bonification de 40 M$ sera allouée aux services de garde éducatifs à l'enfance."
Excerpt: "Dans le but d'offrir un encadrement pédagogique à un plus grand nombre d'enfants dès le plus jeune âge et de bien les accompagner dans leurs premiers pas à l'école, jusqu'à 100 nouvelles classes de maternelle 4 ans à temps plein en milieu défavorisé pourront ouvrir dès la rentrée scolaire 2017."
Excerpt: "Pour assurer la santé et la sécurité des enfants en services de garde, le Gouvernement du Québec lance un appel de projets, pour l'année 2017Â-2018, à l'intention des centres de la petite enfance (CPE), dans le cadre de la subvention pour les projets d'investissement en infrastructures (SPII)."
Excerpt: "Ontario has been working together with partners in child care and related sectors to build a high quality, seamless, and more accessible early years and child care system."
Excerpt: "The Department of ECE is also continuing work to increase the number of qualified ECD professionals in licensed programs and developing a dual-credit ECD program for senior secondary students. A focus on improving the quality of licensed early childhood education and care programs is evidenced by the Department of ECE’s efforts to implement the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale in licensed early childhood programs."
Recommendation Excerpt: "The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and release by June 2019, a foundational document with an implementation plan for a junior kindergarten program that would be accessible to all four-year-old children in Newfoundland and Labrador, using the phased-in approach and other lessons learned from the models in Ontario and the Northwest Territories."
Excerpt: "$15 Minimum Wage and Equal Pay for Part-Time and Full-Time Workers Part of Plan to Help People Get Ahead in a Changing Economy."
Excerpt: "Ontario is supporting mothers and babies with new and expanded health care services, including more midwives, enhanced newborn screening and increased supports for vulnerable babies."