
Anne Millar, Associate Dean

August 25, 2022

We received the very sad news over the long weekend, that Margaret Anne Millar passed away on August 25, 2022.

Many will remember Anne as Associate Dean of OISE having retired from the position some years ago. She was a key member of the academic leadership team during a time of transition in teacher education with the merger of Faculty of Education (FEUT) and OISE.

Anne was a U of T Arbor Award recipient in 2007, recognized for providing historical insights on teacher education and educational studies as a member of the OISE 100th Anniversary Advisory Committee. She was Chair of the Publication Sub-Committee, donating countless hours to launch the 100-page commemorative book, Inspiring Education: Celebrating 100 Years of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Anne was one of the kindest members of our community, often going well out of her way to maintain connections with colleagues and friends. She had the uncanny ability to meet you just once, and from then on, remember your name. She always greeted everyone with such respect, acknowledging you by name with a sincere “how are you?” She was an extraordinary people-person and in recent years continued to maintain contact with the Dean’s Office to ensure our institutional retiree lists were updated, and to share news from members of the OISE retired community.

Anne’s family has posted an . 

In Memoriam
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