
Events & Presentations


Best Practices in ECE Development: In this series, early childhood officials from various provinces shared promising initiatives aimed at supporting the early childhood education workforce and expanding access to child care.

Promising Practices in Manitoba: Inclusive Programming and Ready-to-Move Child Care
Matthias Rust, Director, Strategic Policy and Intergovernmental Relations, Early Learning and Child Care Division, Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning.

In Manitoba, every licensed childcare space is an inclusive space. All licensed childcare facilities must have a written inclusion policy and provide programming inclusive of children’s diverse needs. Various programs and initiatives support this requirement.
Best Practices in ECE Development: In this series, early childhood officials from various provinces shared promising initiatives aimed at supporting the early childhood education workforce and expanding access to child care.

Benefits of Amalgamating Child Care Services
Kim Hiscott, Executive Director, Andrew Fleck Child Care Services, Ottawa

How a large childcare agency acts to stabilize services in the region, and the benefits it provides.
Best Practices in ECE Development: In this series, early childhood officials from various provinces shared promising initiatives aimed at supporting the early childhood education workforce and expanding access to child care.

A Mega Board for Efficiency and Quality.
Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac, Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education and Department of Child and Youth Study, Mount Saint Vincent University

Child care can experience challenges optimizing operations and achieving results such as increasing access and supporting working conditions. In response, Nova Scotia developed innovative proposals to expand access to public education for 4-year-olds and to create a consolidated nonprofit board to offer top-tier support for the workforce and grow capacity.
Results from the Early Childhood Education Report 2023 - Newfoundland and Labrador

Events and Presentations
Video on the benefits of high quality early childhood education

Events and Presentations
Video on the value of early education to society
Presentation at the 2023 Summer Institute.
Presentation to the YMCA.
ECE Appreciation: Presentation to the ECE workforce in Timiskaming
Public education video series for the region of Timiskaming on the value of the early childhood educator.