
Policy Monitor

The Policy Monitor tracks Federal, Provincial and Territorial early childhood policy initiatives, developments and announcements.


New Brunswick
Excerpt: "New Brunswick’s approach to child rights enforcement is innovative in how it blends children’s rights and wellbeing. It is an approach inspired by the dominant discourses of our time: a) we follow UNICEF and the UNCRC’s child rights-based approach to policy-making4; and b) we combine it with the World Health Organization’s social determinants of health agenda5. Meaningful child rights enforcement is not merely a matter of good process, good laws, accessible remedies and educational efforts. The enjoyment of rights also has to be a demonstrably lived experience. Outcome indicators are the real evidence as to whether a child rights agenda has been meaningfully implemented."
Excerpt: "We made a commitment to invest in growing our economy, strengthening the middle class, and helping those working hard to join it. We committed to provide more direct help to those who need it by giving less to those who do not. We committed to public investment as the best way to spur economic growth, job creation, and broad­ based prosperity. We committed to a responsible, transparent fiscal plan for challenging economic times."
Prince Edward Island
Excerpt: "A vision to deliver the highest possible quality of education to our students will engage Islanders in all aspects of learning to ensure students, parents, teachers, principals and government are working together on achieving the same goal, excellence in learning."

Excerpt: "We want to make sure every family can find high-quality, affordable child care. We are announcing an ambitious goal: we will create a universally accessible child care system with 12,000 additional spaces for families, and expand Manitobaʼs workforce of early childhood educators with our partners, such as Red River College and Université de Saint-Boniface. We will be expanding child care centres into new housing developments as well as schools, colleges and universities. Every family who needs child care should have access to an affordable space."

Excerpt: "Ontario is investing $498 million in new and renovated schools as well as new child care spaces to provide students with better places to learn while also giving families more options for quality licensed child care that is close to home."

Prince Edward Island
Excerpt: "A vision to deliver the highest possible quality of education to our students will engage Islanders in all aspects of learning to ensure students, parents, teachers, principals and government are working together on achieving the same goal, excellence in learning."

Newfoundland & Labrador
Excerpt: "For child care centres, the following enhancements are being implemented: The Operating Grant Program will allow for increased flexibility by providing up to an additional 15 per cent above current grant amounts for child care centres that can demonstrate the financial need; Existing child care centres where kitchen facilities are unavailable for the provision of meals and snacks will now be eligible to apply for the Operating Grant Program at a reduced grant amount; and; Equipment grant funding will be continued and increased by 30 per cent for all child care centres in the province."

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government continues to invest in student success by providing $3 million in new funding to hire more teachers and keep kindergarten to Grade 3 classes smaller"

Excerpt: "Proposals were put before this House by the previous government to cut funding to Alberta’s elementary, secondary and post-secondary school systems – even though education is the single most important investment our province can make in the welfare of our children, and the success of our future economy. In this budget, we confirm we are restoring funding to the education and advanced education budgets that were cut by the former government."

Excerpt: "Over the coming year, Ontario will begin construction on 766 more licensed child care spaces in local schools across the province to improve access to safe, high quality child care."

Newfoundland & Labrador
The new Early Learning and Child Care Directory is a searchable online database and interactive map that helps parents identify regulated child care centres, family child care as well as family resource centres in their area. Regulated child care service providers may also publicly post any vacancies in their service using the directory's Child Care Availability page.

Excerpt: "We are shaped by the quality of our childhood. Parents understand this intuitively, and try to give their children the best possible experiences. We act on this belief as a society, too, investing in public education, health care, community infrastructure and other supports to ensure that children get the best start in life."