Excerpt: "The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced an agreement with the Government of Prince Edward Island to increase school food programs in the province. This agreement, under the federal government’s National School Food Program, will provide over 1,500 more kids with healthy lunches, and over 800 more kids with healthy breakfasts and snacks this school year. With this agreement, a two-child family in Prince Edward Island will save $800 in grocery bills a year on average. This initial federal investment of approximately $7.1 million over three years will help families and keep more money in their pockets. This investment will also support critical program needs like food transportation, storage, and preparation equipment. All in all, this will result in an estimated 438,000 more meals served to kids across Prince Edward Island this school year."
Excerpt: "The ministers acknowledged that a thriving workforce is critical to ensuring high-quality and inclusive early learning and child care. Building on the work of last year’s meeting, ministers reviewed a jointly developed draft Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Workforce Strategy and discussed a path forward for working together on common goals to stabilize and support the early learning and child care workforce. Ministers recognized that each government can conduct its own engagements on the strategy, such as engaging further with Indigenous governments, communities and organizations. Ministers also recognized that they retain responsibility and authority over how the strategy is implemented in their respective jurisdictions."
Excerpt: "The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced an agreement with the Government of Ontario to increase school food programs in the province. This agreement, under the federal government’s National School Food Program, will deliver healthy meals to 160,000 more kids in Ontario this school year. With this agreement, a two-child family in the province will save $800 in grocery bills a year. This initial federal investment of $108.5 million over three years will help families and keep more money in their pockets. Along with increasing funding to school food programs in the province, this investment will also contribute to reduced costs for food transportation, storage, and preparation equipment. All in all, this will result in over 9.8 million more meals served to our kids. This includes 130,000 more school meals served to kids in Indigenous communities across Ontario this year."
Excerpt: "Since the implementation of universal child care in April 2021, and as of March 31, 2024, a total of 477 additional child care spaces have been created in Pelly Crossing, Whitehorse, Ross River, and Dawson. These programs continue to expand and grow, benefiting more children and their families. As of March 31, 2024, 1,896 children and their families were benefiting from universal child care, saving up to $8,400 a year per child enrolled in a licensed program. In the 2023-24 fiscal year, the department provided $9,788,917 to licensed programs to support wages and benefits for early childhood educators. Additionally, Yukon families saved $14,153,927 in child care costs through the Government of Yukon’s universal child care and subsidy programs. During this period, 87 bursaries were awarded, including 85 part-time and two full-time bursaries. Of the full-time bursaries, one recipient was from a rural community and one from a Whitehorse French-language program. Twenty-three of the part-time bursaries went to recipients in rural Yukon."
Excerpt: "Today, the Government of Yukon launched the Yukon’s Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Infrastructure Fund, supported by a $7.7 million investment under the Canada-Yukon ELCC Infrastructure Fund Agreement signed in March 2024. This new initiative underscores the Government of Yukon's ongoing commitment to supporting children and families by investing in affordable, accessible and inclusive high-quality early learning and child care. The fund is designed to support current and prospective owners of not-for-profit early learning and child care centres in creating new spaces and improving the accessibility of existing programs. The funding program focuses on four priorities identified during engagement on modernizing the Child Care Act."
Excerpt: "Amendments to the Northwest Territories’ (NWT) Early Learning and Child Care Regulations came into effect November 14, 2024. The updated regulations introduce a wage grid and certification process for licensed centre-based staff. The wage grid establishes the minimum rate of hourly pay for employees based on the community they work in, the type of position they hold, years of experience, education, Indigenous knowledge, and Northern experience."
Excerpt: "The Action Plan outlines the steps Education will take between now and 2033 to implement Nunavut’s ELCC Quality Framework, which was released last year. Both of these key documents support high-quality early learning and child care, with a focus on inclusivity, cultural safety, and community collaboration."
Excerpt: "The workforce is the backbone of licensed child care: they ensure that centres can operate effectively. An enhanced workforce will mean that licensed child care centres are adequately staffed. The Department of Education’s collaboration with Nunavut Arctic College to expand early childhood educator certification will create a skilled workforce that can provide children with high-quality care. Inuit language skills are a workforce priority to promote Inuit language protection and promotion through culturally relevant and responsive care to children."
Excerpt: "Further actions to support the early learning workforce and increase access to early learning and child care throughout the province include: Implementation of a medical benefits program for early childhood educators; Provision of a rural and remote allowance for child care centres in eligible regions; Wage grid bonuses for early childhood educators and administrators in Labrador, Francophone early childhood educators, and a further bonus solely for administrators; Streamlined paid closure days and statutory holidays for child care services on the Operating Grant Program; Creation of an Infant Incentive to provide $91 per day, per infant-aged space for child care providers on the Operating Grant Program; and, Continued expansion of pre-kindergarten programming, which is currently available at 34 sites throughout the province with a further 24 sites in development."
Excerpt: "Early childhood educators and other staff working in regulated child care services in the province can now participate in a medical benefits program that is cost shared by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Early Learning and Child Care Medical Benefits Program will be supported by the Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador, with coverage provided by Blue Cross via Dougan Insurance Group. Medical benefits are optional and available to individuals who work a minimum of 20 hours per week, and have worked a minimum of three months at a regulated child care service participating in the Operating Grant Program, including: Early childhood educators; Trainee early childhood educators; Other staff working in child care services; Regulated Family Child Care providers."
Excerpt: "Marc G. Serré, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and to the Minister of Official Languages, and Member of Parliament (Nickel Belt), accompanied by Viviane Lapointe, Member of Parliament (Sudbury), announced an investment of more than $4.2 million in a daycare centre in Val Therese and the EarlyON Centre in Ontario. They made the announcement on behalf of the Honourable Randy Boissonnault, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages. The investment will allow for the construction of a new 88-place daycare centre in Val Therese, a project that will meet the growing needs of families in the community. This daycare centre will have five rooms: one for 10 infants, two for 30 toddlers, and two for 48 preschool-aged children. The official opening is scheduled for September 2025."
Excerpt: "This agreement, made possible by the federal government’s $1 billion National School Food Program, will enhance and expand Manitoba’s existing school food programs to provide meals to about 19,080 more kids every year, starting this school year. Manitoba is the second province, after Newfoundland and Labrador, to sign an agreement with the federal government for the new National School Food Program. Today’s agreement includes an initial federal investment of approximately $17.2 million over the next three years to ensure more kids get the nutritious food they need to thrive."